
Total Donations


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Donations of $5K or More

Bill Taylor Jr. Class of 1995

Donations of $1K or More

Kerry Lawrence - Class of 1970
Mike Reid - Hallowed History NZ
George Winton - Class of 1967
Tom Dyer - Class of 1967
Lee Anderson - Class of 1961
Freed Lowrey - Class of 1967
Michael Hood - Class of 1967
Richard Mullane - Class of 1967



Bill Taylor - Class of 1970
Jim Sullivan - Class of 1970
Steve Rhyne - Class of 1969
James Nelson - Class of 1969
Steve Bossard - Class of 1969
Bob Opatovsky - Class of 1970
Alan Edwards - Class of 1969
Jim Warner - Class of 1967
David Partridge - Class of 1967
Charles Larson - Friend of West Point
Jonathan Burns - Class of 1967
Robert Colson - Class of 1967
David Kelley - Class of 1967
Richard Adams - Class of 1967
Randall Kinnard - Class of 1967
Michael Yap  - Class of 1967
Charles Thomas - Class of 1967
Daniel Jinks - Class of 1967
Charles Costanza - Class of 1967
Doug Jeffrey - Class of 1969
Peter Hanelt - Class of 1967
 Carlton Savory - Class of 1967
Terry Hand - Class of 1967
William Pittenger - Class of 1967
Dean Risseeuw - Class of 1967
John Smith - Class of 1967
Rick Frykman - Class of 1969